Key Functionality & Technical Papers
Business Activity Monitoring (BAM) with the Predictive Power of Simulation
This new capability adds another dimension to the growing Business Activity Monitoring concept. Simulation provides management the ability to peek into the future of business performance metrics and gives them valuable lead-time to optimize key management decisions before problems in operations arise. With traditional Business Activity Monitoring technologies this is a challenge, but SIMPROCESS easily communicates the options in the context of a customer's business processes.
- Integration capabilities to DSS, CRM, ERP, and user operational systems.
- Provides server-based simulation capability without the User Interface for integration with other Business Activity Monitoring and BPM technologies.
- Dashboards can be placed on the desktop of a decision maker so that continuous feedback from simulated future situations can be reviewed and acted on before they happen. Dashboard can be broadcasted meaning one or more dashboards can be placed on any person's computer desktop within an enterprise.
- Dashboard Functionality permits decision makers to visualize information in graphical form (charts, meters, graphs, etc.) by broadcasting messages to dashboards (local or remote) as the simulation progresses.
White Paper - Business Activity Monitoring and Simulation (PDF, 486 KB)